This is the most dangerous white poison we eat every day, and it’s not sugar or salt. Avoid fries, hot dogs, and similar products because they are made from the worst kind of meat and contain dangerous ingredients. We believe that most people still use microwave ovens, which are banned in many countries because their radiation can damage food and produce carcinogens.

Most people probably use soups from the store, which are easily made but are full of harmful ingredients that can seriously damage your health. In addition to store-bought soups, sausages, hot dogs, chips, etc., all contain very toxic substances, one of which is potassium glutamate, which can damage the brain, heart, and overall health. Potassium glutamate or E621; white preservative is used in large quantities in almost all foods. For a healthy and long life, avoid the following unhealthy foods:


The cheapest, lowest-quality meat is used to make pâté. But if it were just meat, there wouldn’t be such a problem. That’s because skin, bones, hooves, and cartilage are stuffed in. More than half of the meat sauce is water. In addition, there are fats, skins, starches, various spices, and of course emulsifiers and other chemicals, which in some types of meat can be up to 30%. All pâtés are filled with a lot of salt, and that salt in the intestines is more harmful than pâté from a can. However, you don’t have to give up your favorite sauce forever. Make it at home and you’ll know what you’re getting into.


Another favorite spread is margarine, made from vegetable oil chemically derived from sunflower seeds. High temperatures during oil processing destroy all the vitamins and antioxidants they contain and lead to the formation of free radicals that can cause serious damage to the body’s cells and increase the risk of cancer. These oils are unhealthy to begin with. And adding new chemicals turns margarine into a solid and recognizable state, which is very harmful. So spread butter on bread instead of margarine.

Slices of cheese

This cheese is not made from pure cheese, I think you understand that. It is made from leftovers from the cheese production process. It contains only 50% cheese; the other ingredients are water, fat, emulsifiers, and artificial colors to make the product look better. This cheese has twice the salt content of regular cheese. What about fats? They contain more than any other dairy product.


On the list of particularly harmful foods are popcorn. But instead of the proverbial stovetop popcorn, it’s microwave popcorn. Because they contain a chemical that has been shown to increase the risk of cancer, affect fertility, and impair kidney function. Many microwave popcorns contain artificial flavors, trans fatty acids, and chemicals that can cause headaches and nausea. Nutritionists advise popcorn lovers to prepare this snack in the traditional way.

Hot dog

The worst nails, skin, hooves, intestines, veins, cartilage, and meat are worn beyond recognition. It contains soy, starch, spices, water, lots of salt, preservatives, carmine color, and paprika extract. When all this is mixed together, we get the famous hot dog, which should be completely avoided because of all these ingredients and their effects on the body. However, as an alternative, homemade sausages are available.